What is a Calf Compression Sleeve?
A calf compression sleeve is a tight, elasticated fabric tube that is worn around the lower leg. They usually provide graduated compression – tighter around the ankle and a lesser compression towards the knee.
Compression garments were initially designed to help improve blood flow in post-surgical patients, people with diabetes or circulatory issues or individuals prone to swelling, phlebitis, varicose veins, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). For these often inactive and bed-ridden patients, the tightly fitting leg wraps help blood return to the heart so it doesn’t pool in the lower extremities and cause swelling. The compression also reduces and risk of blood clots. It is for the same reason they are now used on long-haul travel.
Athletes started using compression socks for the same reasons. Furthermore, they recognized that compression can potentially can prevent injury, help rehabilitation with existing injuries, improve performance and enhance recovery time.
How do they work?
- Increased Circulation
A constant compression will cause the arterial walls to dilate, and this allows a greater volume of blood, and therefore oxygen, to pass through to the muscles and then back again to the heart. The constrictive effect will also increase the speed at which blood travels. This prevents blood from pooling. The increase in oxygen to the muscles results in more fuel called ATP energy and can improve the athlete’s endurance as well as aid recovery and rehabilitation.
Also, muscles produce a waste product called lactic acid. Lactic acid causes cramping and stiffening of the muscles when it builds up. Due to the improved circulation, there is improved lactic acid elimination. By preventing lactic acid buildup, athletes are able to work out longer without cramping or stiffening and are able to recover faster.
2.Loosening Muscles
This is achieved by reducing the rate of muscle oscillation. Muscle vibrations occur constantly while they are being used. These vibrations use up energy and so can weaken the muscle’s ability to sustain lengthy physical activity. Compression therefore can make a massive difference in the way muscles feel after intensive activity. They are often not as sore while in use or while resting.
Quite simply, wearers of a calf compression sleeve can find that they are more efficient while using those muscles, experience less of a sore sensation after strenuous activity, and recover much faster than they otherwise would expect to. Still not sure they are a true training aid or just another fad? The best way to discover if the socks work is probably to experiment with them yourself and see what you think. They may not be for everyone, but they certainly won’t harm your recovery.